Web development is a technical job task which require knowledge if different programming and coding languages like HTML, CSS, JQuery, PHP, .Net and lot of practice. Developer Salaries are vary on skills, experience, company and platform or framework he/she is working on.

Like if you are a web designer who’s responsibility is to design the layout of future project, his/her salary start from 20k-100k and coder who is responsibility is to code the graphic design into frontend HTML salary start from 30k-80k and last stage of development is programming to make any static websites a fully dynamic website salary starts from 30k-200k, it all depends what is your experience and demand of your skills.
Web Development work is categorised in different sections or working types. As you are aware with the process of development work.

The first state is planing which is the job of management or client who want a website for his/her business. Like a company or a person who doing plumbing work need a website which can show case his past work portfolio, his/her services cost and contact detail. This information will go to the designer.

A web designer job is to design the layout and graphics of future website, he/she will design a website on adobe photoshop or illustrator and provide that web design to a coder. As i mention above web designer salary start from 20k-100k it depend on experience and knowledge. A starter designer who got experience between 1-2 years get 20k-50k salary.

A coder is also called front end developer take the design sketch from designer start coding it. In Coding he require the knowledge of basic HTML, CSS and JQuery and then Bootstrap and AMP on demand of client. Today 90% websites are develop on bootstrap which is a builtin HTML grid framework, it is easy to learn and have tens of reference knowledge and documentation online. A coder salary starts from 20k and go on to 80k depend how sharp and optimised he code. After graduation is you want to become a web developer and start internship somewhere they will first teach you the basics of coding and will make you a perfect coder first.

A Programer responsibility is to make a static HTML website dynamic, he/she create databasses and admin panel where a non tech person can add content information graphics and news updates and those information will show up on website. There are many programming languages such as PHP, .Net, Ruby, C-Sharp, linux, C++ and many others, most commonly used language is PHP, a PHP developer salary start from 30k-150k depend on experience than .Net which is used to manage large databases in big organisation a .Net developer salary starts from 100k-300k+ other languages are also highly paid but their demand is low in Pakistan.

Framework Developer, there are tens of web development framework some are free for all and some are paid. Like free and open source frameworks are wordpress, magento, Laravel, codeigniter and many other. In frameworks you will hear the names of Shopify, Wix, pinnacle cart, x-cart and others. Common demand in Pakistan is mostly free open source frameworks largely people ask for wordpress because it is free and easy to manage. The paid ones are commonly used by foreign clients. A wordpress developer salary starts from 30k-100k a magento developer salary starts from 50k-150k and other paid framework developers salary starts from 50k-150k+.
How much a web developer freelancer earn.
To become a freelancer you need to have least 1 or 2 years of development experience. A freelancer can earn a lot if he is knowledgeable and have good communication skills. There are different platforms where you can find projects and clients such as fiverr, upwork and peopleperhour. At fiverr and upwork client normally pay for a simple wordpress blog site $100 or more depend on project. If you are a full stack developer you can be hire on hourly rate and web developer hourly rate on upwork or peopleperhours is $5-$100+ depend on your profile and work history.

Successful Freelances in Pakistan.
There are many successful web developer who earn a good fortune online doing web development work, Ayaz Meo is one of them he got around 10 years of experience and active on upwork from 2012 his profile link is here https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~017f886ff497856fd3/ his hourly rate is $20 and have many active jobs plus his job success on upwork is 100% which make him one of the successful web developer at upwork.